Westbourne- Canford Heath
Some time ago my running club held an event at Parkstone Grammar School, from where I live In Westbourne it struck me that the route comprised about the most direct East- West cycling route I could possibly devise, so here it is. I rode it and timed again yesterday on the way to Wimbourne, primary aim here is show how its possible to avoid the circles Ive marked on the map photo. Getting across town at peak times can be unpleasant in the extreme, making your way around Fleetsbridge, Canford Heath road and the Mountbatten arms often turns into a 45 minute queue for many. Whilst this route uses in main Ashley Road, so isnt a designated cycling route- you could be surprised to know how easy this actually is by bike. 6.5 K.M in 22 Minutes of getting fit for free. Try it.

Starting at County Gates gyratory, head up Lindsay road to join a short section of Poole road before meeting Ashley road. If the roundabouts at Bransksome phase you, walk round that short section then carry straight on. Reaching the Seaview, on this trip yesterday I had to stop for a ped crossing light once, bit of a green wave there actually as theres loads of traffic lights, must have got lucky. Stop at the seaview for a glance down over Poole Bay, on sunny days this is one of the most attractive view points in the U.K easily, where we live. Youll find Parkstone Heights just after Sea view the new improved road scheme there, a definite improvement planned by one of the younger Council Engineers, good bit of work. The cycle path heads downhill so watch for peds and cross over onto foxholes road over Ringwood road. Reaching the end of the back roads here the path passes underneath and into Canford Heath, wriggle around the back roads and under Adastral road to come out next to Canford Heath Middle school. Working through the industrial estate for a short section brings you up to Hatch Pond and the destination. 22 Minutes rolling yesterday, which could take a tad longer west- East as you have to climb the hill up to sea view at sometime. These back roads that cut directly where you want to go are a much more interesting way to go rather than queueing on the main roads.
Choosing wherever you work, or are visiting is the next stage to add to the 22 Minutes Westbourne to Canford Heath. I rode on one of the many cycle paths alongside Broadstone Way to get to Broadstone in another 11 mins. These big Poole roads were built years ago with a fair allocation of tarmaced cycle path. You can enjoy the Holes Bay route to Poole town in 12 minutes, or wherever you need to go.