College Yoga Sessions – Jason Falconer
• Opening -Supine / breathing / awakening awareness Apana + variations / Eka Pada / Ardha Padma Asana = Wind relieving. Benefits: improves intestinal elimination, prevents constipation and reduces intestinal meteorism. Prevents and relieves sciatica. Makes supple the lumbar spinal column.
Eka pada / Urdhva Prasuta Pada Asana + variations = Leg raising. Benefits: rectifies the static position of the spine, maintains intervertebral spaces and prevents slipped discs. Develops muscles of the legs. Improves venous and lymphatic systems.
Ardha Padma Apana Asansa = Half Lotus – Tones up cardiac muscles. Promotes diaphragmatic breathing in opening sequence. Nava Asana = Boat – Strengthens abdominal muscles, muscles along the spinal column, strengthens uterine wall, digestion and absorption
• Danda Asana + variations = Stick. Benefits: supports cardiac functions. Supports the perineum and averts organ prolapses after delivery. Catus Pada Asana = Inverse tabletop. Benefits: Makes supple all the pelvis joints and coxofemoral joints. Relieves the syndrome of ‘restless legs’. All benefits of leg raising.
• Phalakasana = Plank – Rectifies the static position of spinal column, strengthens muscles located along spinal column and abdominal muscles. Vasistha Asana = Side Plank (option) increases sense of balance. Chaturanga Dandasana – Four Limbed Staff (option) – strengthens co-ordinated movement of entire musculature.
• Ardha Utkata Asana = Half Chair / Chair. Benefits: Rectifies the static position of the spinal column and maintains intervertebral spaces / strengthens the muscles located along the spinal column especially at lumbar level / makes supple all the pelvis joints and strengthens knee joints / develops the muscle structure of the abdominals, lower abdomen and legs / strengthens the abdominal organs and the kidneys / increases the sense of balance / improves digestion, intestinal absorption and intestinal elimination and fights against constipation / improves venous and lymphatic circulation of the entire body.
• Utthana asana = Forward Fold into Flat Back. Benefits: makes supple and strengthens the lumbar region / develops the muscles of the legs / increases the sense of balance / stimulates diuresis . Adho Mukha Svana Asana = Down Dog-Benefits – Strengthens muscles located all along the spinal column / makes supple the shoulder joints and entire spine / develops rib cage volume / develops muscles of legs and arms / develops respiratory capacity.
• Half Salutation Sequence
Vira Bhadra Asana = Half Salutation to Warrior 1. Benefits: Increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement
Vira Bhadra Asana = Half Salutation to Warrior 2. Benefits: Increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement
Vira Bhadra Asana = Half Salutation to Warrior 1 Kneeling. Benefits: Increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement
Uttitha Trikona Asana = Half Salutation to Triangle. Benefits: Makes supple the sacrolumbar region and the pelvic joints. Strengthens abdominals, kidneys. Increases sense of balance. Prevents kidney stone formation.
Vimana Asana = Half Salutation to Warrior 3. Benefits: increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement
Utthita Parsva Utthana Asana = Half Salutation to Intense Side Stretch. Benefits: Increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement.
Parivitta Trikona Asana = Half Salutation to Revolved Triangle. Benefits: Makes supple the sacrolumbar region and the pelvic joints. Strengthens abdominals, kidneys. Increases sense of balance. Prevents kidney stone formation.
• Finishing – Sava asana = Corpse posture. Benefits: posture destroys fatigue and quiets agitation of the mind, conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes body and mind.
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