College Yoga Sessions – Jason Falconer
• Opening-Balasana = Childs Pose – Benefits: releases frustration, calming, releasing tension in base posture, promotes inward awareness focus.
• Opening sequence of – Svana asana = Dog+ variations / Balasana = Childs Pose
Half dog transitions / Balasana = Childs Pose
Side bends / twisting / Balasana = Childs Pose
Phalak asana = Plank – Rectifies the static position of spinal column, strengthens muscles located along spinal column and abdominal muscles / Balasana = Childs Pose.
Phalak asana = Plank or/ Chaturanga Dandasana – Four Limbed Staff (option) Benefits: strengthens co-ordinated movement of entire musculature / tones all the core muscles of the body / strengthens triceps biceps and laterals / strengthens wrist joints / Balasana = Childs Pose
Vasistha Asana = Side Plank (option) -increases sense of balance, rectifies posture of pelvis.
• Vinyasa = Sequence of – Svana asana= Dog + Urdhva Mukha Svana Asana = Upward Facing Dog options in Sequence / Benefits: develops muscles of the legs and arms. Develops rib cage volume and respiratory capacity. Improves digestion Balasana = Childs Pose
• Svana asana= Dog + Urdhva Mukha Svana Asana = Upward Facing Dog options to Svana Asana = Downward facing dog in Sequence / Benefits: rectifies the static position of the spine / maintains intervertebral spaces and prevents slipped discs / strengthens muscles located along the spinal column and develops rib cage volume. Balasana = Childs Pose.
• Vinyasa = Sequence step to Eka Pada Rajakpotasana = Pigeon / Deep hip opening. Balasana = Childs Pose.
• Vinyasa = Sequence step to Anjaneyasana = Lunge –options. Balasana = Childs Pose.
• Vinyasa = Sequence step to Parivritta Parsvakonanasana = Revolved sidelunge. Benefits: Contracts abdominal organs and aids digestion. Balasana = Childs Pose.
• Vinyasa = Sequence step to Vira Bhadra Asana = Warrior 2 – benefits: Increases sense of balance / all benefits of previous posture / promotes mental attention / reduces mental excitement / walking hands to Prasarita Pada Utthana Asana = Spread legged Forward Fold. Benefits: Improves arterial circulation of heart and brain / deepens opening of hip and pelvic joints and back to Vira Bhadra Asana = Warrior 2 other side. Balasana = Childs Pose.
• Vinyasa = Sequence step up to Ardha Chandra asana = Half Moon Posture. Benefits: exercises the balance reflex and awareness of hip alignment. Balasana = Childs Pose .
• Vajra asana = Easy Hero / alternate sides / Full hero (option). Benefits: as above plus strengthening knee joints. Or Badda Kona Asana = Cobbler. Benefits: makes supple pelvis joints and helps childbirth / prevents and reduces prostratic hypertrophy. Improves digestion and intestinal elimination. Balasana = Childs Pose Rest
Shashanka Asana = Hare – Benefits: relieves tension in cervical spine / opens shoulders.
• Finishing – Sava asana = Corpse posture. Benefits: posture destroys fatigue and quiets agitation of the mind, conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes body and mind. Finally warming hands rubbing palms together then opening eyes into dark space.
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