Its friday, starting the weekend right with a celebration post and invitations. Freelancers spend heaps of time organising and securing work and Im feeling like Im at the top of the slope looking down over the next 6 months work, after what seems like a massive uphill grind to get here, but you all know I like running up hills anyway as the last 6 months winter posts testify to. During Easter holidays will be escaping to Guernsey for the weekend of Guernsey Easter Races, a 4 day event that Ill be cycling to. Bikepacking and riding down to the Poole ferry to jump straight on for the crossing is the height of civility in travel, with the kit onboard for navigating around the island for the races and with luck lots of beach time in between. After that most of the preparation for Spring/ Summer is done!

Cycling work precis- when schools come back the track calendar begins proper, weve already enjoyed a good mild march at Slades Farm track with 5 Wednesday sessions for B.U students and 3 Kids Saturdays, lets hope April showers dont kibosh too many of my upcoming series. Wey Valley School are back, also bringing theyre next door neighbour the College for 2 sets of youth track accreditation sessions. Bournemouth and Poole college booking soon, and a Sportivate granted project from Active Dorset Im managing for women only is now up to 8 riders so nearly fully subscribed. Adult cycle training continues, look out for one of my students stories in this months ‘BH Life’. More of my C.P.D preparation for becoming a N.S.I.T.Q planned too, thats National Standard Instructor Trainer Qualified to you. After half term the peak of schools outdoor scheduling really begins, with Kings Park and Dumpton booked, Im happy to hear from any schools that would like to bring groups to Bournemouth Cycling Track.

Orienteering work precis and invites, the attached schedule here   shows the Activate Coast and Country Orienteering series Im leading. The first dates are 01 and 02 April for 2 family sessions, so if you like the forest at Moors Valley get in touch. Theres a typo on this brochure which should then say 16th May as the following all dayer for families, with lots more coming up, so have a look over it. Also in April the delightful Avon Heath is also hosting another afternoon of map reading and exploration info here   Im glad were now onto maps and heres a preview of Avon Heath, its largely open heath- so you can see the copses represented on our maps in white. Spaces available on this family day of activities and a short course challenge.

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New mapped areas- after Easter the new areas on the calendar start opening, Highcliffe Castle and Steamer Point is included on the Activate calendar above, looking forward to working there which is a coastal nature reserve and super beach. Wessex Orienteering mappers have also been hard at work preparing both Queens Park and Boscombe chine, and with the Bournemouth Council Parks dept. authority we will be including these two brilliant places in our upcoming club sessions and maybe more. Both will have Permanent courses like our most recent one at Broadstone Rec where you can download a map here and have a go at navigation. My vision includes teaching Orienteering in Boscombe Chine, for the local schools who come down for surfing and beach games all summer term- if you are interested get in touch and lets make it happen, my enthusiasm for giving kids the chance to discover the outdoors and learn how to navigate their way to independence never wanes. Heres a preview of Queens Park, it has everything, mature pine forests, open areas, tracks and lots of contours!







With loads of other sessions planned its looking like a great summer, with the mainstay being outdoors and not too much office work! We start trail running tuesdays with WSX every week from Bournemouth University 6pm on Talbot Heath this tuesday 31st in the B.S.T. period, with hill rep. sessions and a great chance to tone up your trail running, get ready for your planned summer events and enjoy the beautiful summer outdoors. Featured item in this Weekends column in Bournemouth Echo ‘7 Days’ magazine. Clocks change this weekend so Spring Forward and join me with some action!

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